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Herb Buying & Storing Guide
Unless you’re lucky enough to have a garden full of herbs, you have to rely on the supermarket. Fortunately, the supermarket’s herb range is wider than it once was, but they’re still rather expensive, particularly if you only need a sprig or two. So don’t waste what’s left.
Tips on how to make fresh herbs go further
- Choose bright fresh looking herbs. Dark spots and shrivelled leaves mean they’re already past it.
- Wash herbs, and then dry them thoroughly in a salad spinner as you would lettuce. Dry herbs last longer.
- Most fresh herbs can be stored for a few days in the fridge, if kept in an airtight bag and the stalks wrapped with damp paper towel.,
- Keep herbs in the salad compartment, well away from cold spots at the back of the fridge.
- Mix Flora Spread with chopped herbs. Roll into a sausage shape in cling film, refrigerate, and then cut off slices to serve on steaks or vegetables.
- Use leftovers to make ‘salsa verde’. Blended with olive oil, garlic, maybe some capers or anchovies, this is a classic sauce for fish or meat.
- Use herb stalks in cooking water for vegetables or in soups.
- The temperature in the fridge is too low for soft herbs with high water content (e.g. basil). Store them at room temperature.
- Hang fresh thyme or rosemary in a dry place to use at a later date. The flavour of it when it’s dried is more intense, so use a little less.